Gamers Row, Video Gaming Experts, Pokemon Specialists

About Gamers Row

Gamers Row was started by two Minnesotan dads who never lost hold of their inner child. As big kids ourselves, we put an off-topic idea into reality and opened Gamers Row with hopes of being able to share the entertainment of our generations with our kids and help those who want to do the same. 

Our dream is to be able to make our hobbies and childhood obsessions into a Pokéstop for the biggest of kids and families alike. We remember as younger kids, the bliss you would get when you finally:

  • Complete a quest or beat that final boss in a game.
  • Rip open that booster pack to see what is inside, with the hopes of pulling that Charizard, Blastoise or Venusaur.
  • Pulled that card or beat that final boss you would go to school the next day and tell your friends all about it.

As we grew older and matured we all may have lost touch with that little kid. You may have been like us, and traded those collections away or traded in that game towards a newer one. Trust us when we say trying to get those collections or games back can be difficult, to say the least, but with age comes wisdom. With that wisdom, we realized that those childhood years were some of the best times we had.

Now our goal as adults is to be able to relive those times or share them with our own families. That is what our goal is here at Gamers Row. It is to help those little kids living inside of us all, to come back out and share that happiness.

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Now you know our goal here at Gamers Row. What better place to bring that inner kid back out, than with two dads that already achieved that. We find those collections and games you had as a kid and give you the ability to own them again. Whether it be those old base set pokemon cards or you want the newest collection we can help you. Looking for that retro video game that you spent countless nights drinking SURGE, eating pizza, and playing away till the early morning hours?  Look no further than Gamers Row.

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